Starting Your Career As A Nurse? 4 Items You Should Always Have In The Pockets Of Your Scrubs

16 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog


Now that you've graduated from nursing school, it's time to begin your career. You have all the education you need to be a successful nurse. Now you can get out there and show them what you've learned. If you've already purchased your scrubs, you've noticed how big the pockets actually are. Once you start working, you'll appreciate how big the pockets are in your scrubs. You'll be able to fill them with all the essentials you'll need for those long shifts. Here are just four of the items you'll need to have in your pockets when you're working.

An LED Penlight

When it comes to essential equipment that you'll need in your pocket now that you're a nurse, the LED penlight should be on the top of the list. Your LED penlight is essential when conducting neuro assessments on patients. However, it's also essential when trying to write notes in a darkened hospital room. The last thing you want to do is turn the lights on and disturb your patients each time you need to take notes or write in their charts. To make sure you're always prepared, keep an LED penlight in your pocket.

Your Own Stethoscope

Now that you'll be working as a nurse, you've got to have your own stethoscope. Most hospitals do have spare stethoscopes that you can use, but there are a couple of reasons why you should have your own. First, there's no guarantee that there will be a spare stethoscope available, so you want to make sure that you're prepared for work at all times. Second, you never know if the spare stethoscope you find will actually work properly. Finally, you don't want to stick someone elses germs and earwax in your own ears. Start your career out right by having your own stethoscope in your pocket.

Hand Sanitizer and Lotion

When you work as a nurse, your hands come in contact with a lot of different substances. You want to keep them clean and sanitized, but you also want to keep them soft. That's where the hand sanitizer and the lotion come in handy. Most hospitals now keep hand sanitizer dispensers in each room. However, there may be times when the dispensers are empty. For those occasions, you should keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your pocket. To make sure that your hands don't get dried out and painful from all the hand washing and sanitizing, you should also carry a small bottle of moisturizer in the pocket of your scrubs.


You're not always going to have time to grab a drink of water when your mouth gets dry at work. To combat dry mouth, you should always carry a small container of mints. Popping a mint into your mouth when you feel it getting dry will help keep you refreshed. Not only that, but it will also keep your breath fresh for your patients and the families you'll be speaking to.